Over 20 million of us in the UK are aged 50 or over. By the age of 50 many people begin to experience age related issues such as arthritis, stroke or osteoporosis whilst others may simply feel tired, out of shape or unable to take on some of the activities they used to.
You no longer have to accept the conventional model of aging and pain. We can make significant differences for our clients and help to reverse the undesirable effects of aging. The brain can learn new patterns of movement and action whatever our age so we can improve how we move and improve the quality of our movement throughout life. By utilising the way the brain learn as a child give your brain the chance to form new neural connections. This will allow new patterns of moving and increase your self-awareness that can replace those that cause you pain and decline.
Benefits include improved flexibility, strength, and ease of movement. As a result you will have reduced aches and pains, fewer accidents, and experience a new vitality.